Vijya Ekadashi

King Yudhistir enquires to Shree Kirshna, “O Prabhu, please enlighten me with the importance of keeping the vrat of Vijya Ekadashi.” Lord Shree Krishna replies, “O King, Brahma has explained to Naradji in detail the greatness of Vijya Ekadashi.” “Vijay” means victory. One who performs this vrat with full vigour achieves victory in whatever task is undertaken. Lord Shree Ram attained victory over King Ravan due to the strict adherence of the vrat of this Ekadashi. 

While Lord Shree Ram, Sitaji and Laxman graced the forest for 14 years, the King of Lanka, King Ravan abducted Sitaji. Lord Shree Ram became very upset and eventually they both went in search for Sitaji. They made friends with King Sugriv, the leader of the ape army and together with Hanumanji arrived at the coastal banks of the ocean to reach Lanka. Lord Shree Rama wondered and asked, “O Laxman, How could we cross this enormous ocean? Its near impossible!” Laxmanji replied, “O Prabhu, You are the Lord of all the deva’s. You have all the answers to all questions in this universe, yet O Prabhu, You still ask me! But I know someone who can help us to cross this ocean. Nearby on the banks of the ocean is an ashram of Bakdalab Rishi. He is very knowledgeable and will definitely find a solution to our problem.” 

They all went to the nearby ashram of Bakdalb Rishi. The Rishi recognised in an instant that the Lord himself has pardoned him with his divine darshan. He received the Lord well with due respect and poojan. The Lord expressed his reason to arrive at the ashram and asked for a solution of crossing the ocean to reach Lanka. The Rishi replied, “O Prabhu, I can explain a vrat, which after due completion with full respect and poojan, O Lord Ram, You will achieve victory over the King of Lanka.” The Rishi explained, “on the day of Maha Vadi Ekadashi also known as Vijya Ekadashi, You will have to purify yourself and perform poojan to Supreme Almighty Lord Shree Narayan, using chandan, flowers, dhoop etc. Sit yourself in front of God and devote yourself for the whole day and night with constant bhajans and chanting the divine blissful name of God. On the next day, you must pay due respects to Brahmins by giving food and donations.” 

When the day of Vijya Ekadashi arrived, Lord Shree Rama followed the rituals of the vrat. After performing this vrat, all problems that were encountered in the battle, had an instant solution. And due to this vrat, Lord Shree Ram achieved victory over King Ravan. 

O King Yudhistir, one who performs this vrat of Ekadashi achieves victory in this life and the life beyond. This Ekadashi is the remover of all sins and the giver of ultimate salvation.